Sean Ardoin

Like you, I’ve spent some time asking myself what can I do to challenge students and educators beyond being spectators of the learning process but rather full participants in their own success. What I’ve learned is that kids these days tend to want to be like everyone else, i call it the “Curse of Oneness.” In my experience, kids, and even adults, who have found the courage to look within and start to live their truth, tend to be happy, well-adjusted and more successful. “In my message, I strive to make my audience feel uplifted, excited, and confident.” I’ve been helping students achieve more and handle the obstacles of life with tenacity and positivity for the last 5+ years. I humorously share my knowledge on success (and failure). Using my life stories, I give simple and executable steps, so the “fog” is lifted and your students and staff can confidently go through their school days without the chains of performance anxiety. I’m sure you can agree that successes now will cause them to believe they can succeed in the future. So, let me show them how to acknowledge the little wins, create and execute a plan to get the big wins, and identify positive characteristics that will help them with self-motivation and vision.